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MT Makina's food product disposal facility provides environmentally friendly and safe disposal of spoiled, expired or unfit for consumption food products. Food waste is separated with an automatic packaging opening machine, and recyclable materials are obtained, contributing to the protection of natural resources. Food waste is disposed of sustainably with methods such as incineration, composting and biogas production, and renewable energy is produced. The facility is used in various areas such as food production facilities, retail centers, restaurants and hotels. This environmentally friendly facility, which can be customized with optional features such as stainless steel design and automatic bale press, offers the best solution in waste management, food safety and energy recovery.

Increases Productivity

Gıda atıkları paket ayırma tesisi, operasyonel süreçleri optimize eder.

MT Makina's food product disposal facility provides environmentally friendly and safe disposal of spoiled, expired or unfit for consumption food products. Food waste is separated with an automatic packaging opening machine, and recyclable materials are obtained, contributing to the protection of natural resources. Food waste is disposed of sustainably with methods such as incineration, composting and biogas production, and renewable energy is produced. The facility is used in various areas such as food production facilities, retail centers, restaurants and hotels. This environmentally friendly facility, which can be customized with optional features such as stainless steel design and automatic bale press, offers the best solution in waste management, food safety and energy recovery.

Provides Additional Income

Gıda atıkları paket ayırma tesisi, geri dönüştürülen malzemelerle ek gelir sağlar.

MT Makina's food product disposal facility provides environmentally friendly and safe disposal of spoiled, expired or unfit for consumption food products. Food waste is separated with an automatic packaging opening machine, and recyclable materials are obtained, contributing to the protection of natural resources. Food waste is disposed of sustainably with methods such as incineration, composting and biogas production, and renewable energy is produced. The facility is used in various areas such as food production facilities, retail centers, restaurants and hotels. This environmentally friendly facility, which can be customized with optional features such as stainless steel design and automatic bale press, offers the best solution in waste management, food safety and energy recovery.

Reduces Costs

Gıda atıkları paket ayırma tesisi, atık yönetim maliyetlerini azaltır.

MT Makina's food product disposal facility provides environmentally friendly and safe disposal of spoiled, expired or unfit for consumption food products. Food waste is separated with an automatic packaging opening machine, and recyclable materials are obtained, contributing to the protection of natural resources. Food waste is disposed of sustainably with methods such as incineration, composting and biogas production, and renewable energy is produced. The facility is used in various areas such as food production facilities, retail centers, restaurants and hotels. This environmentally friendly facility, which can be customized with optional features such as stainless steel design and automatic bale press, offers the best solution in waste management, food safety and energy recovery.

Produces Natural Fertilizer

The food waste packaging separation facility produces natural fertilizer by composting.

MT Makina's food product disposal facility provides environmentally friendly and safe disposal of spoiled, expired or unfit for consumption food products. Food waste is separated with an automatic packaging opening machine, and recyclable materials are obtained, contributing to the protection of natural resources. Food waste is disposed of sustainably with methods such as incineration, composting and biogas production, and renewable energy is produced. The facility is used in various areas such as food production facilities, retail centers, restaurants and hotels. This environmentally friendly facility, which can be customized with optional features such as stainless steel design and automatic bale press, offers the best solution in waste management, food safety and energy recovery.

Produces Renewable Energy

The food waste packaging separation facility provides energy through biogas production.

MT Makina's food product disposal facility provides environmentally friendly and safe disposal of spoiled, expired or unfit for consumption food products. Food waste is separated with an automatic packaging opening machine, and recyclable materials are obtained, contributing to the protection of natural resources. Food waste is disposed of sustainably with methods such as incineration, composting and biogas production, and renewable energy is produced. The facility is used in various areas such as food production facilities, retail centers, restaurants and hotels. This environmentally friendly facility, which can be customized with optional features such as stainless steel design and automatic bale press, offers the best solution in waste management, food safety and energy recovery.

Complies with Legal Regulations

Gıda atıkları paket ayırma tesisi, yasal ve çevresel gereksinimlere tam uyum sağlar.

MT Makina's food product disposal facility provides environmentally friendly and safe disposal of spoiled, expired or unfit for consumption food products. Food waste is separated with an automatic packaging opening machine, and recyclable materials are obtained, contributing to the protection of natural resources. Food waste is disposed of sustainably with methods such as incineration, composting and biogas production, and renewable energy is produced. The facility is used in various areas such as food production facilities, retail centers, restaurants and hotels. This environmentally friendly facility, which can be customized with optional features such as stainless steel design and automatic bale press, offers the best solution in waste management, food safety and energy recovery.

Ensures Food Safety

Gıda atıkları paket ayırma tesisi, hijyenik imha ile gıda kaynaklı hastalıkları önler.

MT Makina's food product disposal facility provides environmentally friendly and safe disposal of spoiled, expired or unfit for consumption food products. Food waste is separated with an automatic packaging opening machine, and recyclable materials are obtained, contributing to the protection of natural resources. Food waste is disposed of sustainably with methods such as incineration, composting and biogas production, and renewable energy is produced. The facility is used in various areas such as food production facilities, retail centers, restaurants and hotels. This environmentally friendly facility, which can be customized with optional features such as stainless steel design and automatic bale press, offers the best solution in waste management, food safety and energy recovery.

Protects Natural Resources

Gıda atıkları paket ayırma tesisi, geri dönüştürülebilir malzemeleri ayırarak doğal kaynakların korunmasını sağlar.

MT Makina's food product disposal facility provides environmentally friendly and safe disposal of spoiled, expired or unfit for consumption food products. Food waste is separated with an automatic packaging opening machine, and recyclable materials are obtained, contributing to the protection of natural resources. Food waste is disposed of sustainably with methods such as incineration, composting and biogas production, and renewable energy is produced. The facility is used in various areas such as food production facilities, retail centers, restaurants and hotels. This environmentally friendly facility, which can be customized with optional features such as stainless steel design and automatic bale press, offers the best solution in waste management, food safety and energy recovery.

Alleviates Landfills

Gıda atıkları paket ayırma tesisi, çöp sahalarındaki atık miktarını azaltır.

gıda atıkları paket ayırma tesisi, gıda atıkları yönetimi, geri dönüştürülebilir malzemeler, gıda atıkları imha, biyogaz üretimi, kompostlama, atık geri dönüşüm, organik atık yönetimi, doğal gübre üretimi, gıda atıkları bertaraf, paket açma makinesi, paket ayırıcı,

Food Products Destruction Plant,
Safe and Sustainable Waste Management;

Our food product disposal Plant ensures the safe and environmentally friendly disposal of food items that are spoiled, expired or unfit for consumption. Our destruction Plant plays a critical role in both food safety and environmental protection. Our food product destruction Plant are special Plant designed for the controlled destruction of food products that cannot be consumed for various reasons. The food product disposal Plant ensures that food waste is disposed of without harming the environment and also helps separate recyclable materials.


The food product destruction Plant works in a process consisting of several stages. Food waste is collected from the production Plant or retail points and transported to the disposal Plant. Waste is divided into recyclable and non-recyclable materials. The waste to be shredded is broken into small pieces with equipment such as double-shaft shredding machines. The waste to be separated from its packages is divided into two parts as packages and products in the automatic package separation machine. Recyclable waste is pressed in the bale press and becomes ready to go to the recycling Plant . Food products are destroyed by appropriate methods (incineration, composting, biogas production, etc.). Non-recyclable waste remaining from the destruction process is disposed of in a way that does not harm the environment.

Food Waste Disposal Solutions Plant Industrial Food Disposal Plant Package Sorting Machine for Food Industry Automated Food Disposal System Plant Food Waste Management Plant Efficient Package Sorting Machines Food Product Disposal Equipment Plant Sustainable Food Disposal and Sorting Plant Food Industry Waste Processing Machine High-Tech Package Sorting System Automated Food Waste and Package Sorting Food Waste Disposal Technology Plant Food Processing Waste Management Plant Packaging Sorting Machines for Food Products Food Industry Disposal Solutions Plant

Advantages of Food Products Destruction Plant;

Regular and environmentally friendly disposal of food waste reduces the burden on landfills. Sorting recyclable materials contributes to the conservation of natural resources. Hygienic disposal of food products that are unfit for consumption helps prevent foodborne illnesses. Complies with food safety standards and legal regulations. Processing organic waste in a biogas Plant contributes to renewable energy production. Transforming organic waste through composting produces natural fertilizer that can be used in agriculture. It reduces waste management costs and provides additional income through the sale of recyclable materials. Effective management of the destruction process increases operational efficiency.

gıda atıkları paket ayırma tesisi, gıda atıkları yönetimi, geri dönüştürülebilir malzemeler, gıda atıkları imha, biyogaz üretimi, kompostlama, atık geri dönüşüm, organik atık yönetimi, doğal gübre üretimi, gıda atıkları bertaraf, paket açma makinesi, paket ayırıcı,

Destroy Packaged Food Waste,
Protect the Future..!

Food Products Destruction Plant
Performance and Efficiency

food waste packaging separation plant, food waste management, recyclable materials, food waste disposal, biogas production, composting, waste recycling, organic waste management, natural fertilizer production, food waste disposal, packaging opening machine, packaging separator,

Alleviates Landfills

Food waste sorting facility reduces the amount of waste in landfills.

food waste packaging separation plant, food waste management, recyclable materials, food waste disposal, biogas production, composting, waste recycling, organic waste management, natural fertilizer production, food waste disposal, packaging opening machine, packaging separator,

Protects Natural Resources

The food waste packaging sorting facility ensures the conservation of natural resources by separating recyclable materials.

food product destruction plant, automatic packaging opening machine, food waste disposal, food safety, composting, biogas production, automatic bale press, packaging opening machine, packaging opening unit, food packaging separation machine, food packaging separation plant,

Ensures Food Safety

Food waste packaging separation facility prevents foodborne illnesses through hygienic disposal.

food product destruction plant, automatic packaging opening machine, food waste disposal, food safety, composting, biogas production, automatic bale press, packaging opening machine, packaging opening unit, food packaging separation machine, food packaging separation plant,

Reduces Costs

Food waste packaging sorting facility reduces waste management costs.

food waste packaging separation plant, food waste management, recyclable materials, food waste disposal, biogas production, composting, waste recycling, organic waste management, natural fertilizer production, food waste disposal, packaging opening machine, packaging separator,

Disposal of spoiled or manufacturing defect products in the food production Plant. Disposal of expired or damaged products in retail and distribution centers. Disposal of unconsumed meals and food waste in restaurants and hotels. It is used in the management of wastes resulting from food processing processes in agriculture and food processing Plant.


The food product disposal Plant offers environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions in waste management. While these Plant ensure food security, they also protect natural resources and contribute to energy production. As MT Makina, we optimize food product destruction processes with our high quality and durable equipment. You can contact us for solutions that suit your needs.

Food Products Destruction Plant
Performance and Efficiency

food waste packaging separation plant, food waste management, recyclable materials, food waste disposal, biogas production, composting, waste recycling, organic waste management, natural fertilizer production, food waste disposal, packaging opening machine, packaging separator,

Technicial Specifications

Kapasite (t/g)
Balya Presi

Optional Features

  • Dual Engine Design

  • Belt Pulley Hydraulic Coupling

  • Flywheel Design

  • Rotor Cooling System

  • Automatic Lubrication Unit

  • Ellipse Shaped Hydraulic Press Unit

  • Sieve in Different Designs and Hole Sizes

  • Hydraulic Opening Screen System

  • Screw, Conveyor and Transport Fan Applications for Output

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Hydraulic pressing unit helps to shred waste effectively and quickly. It also automatically cuts off the printing in case of jam.

  • Hydraulic pressing unit helps to shred waste effectively and quickly. It also automatically cuts off the printing in case of jam.

  • No, we have different rotor designs depending on the waste type.

  • Thanks to the hydraulic sieve opening system. Blade replacement is done very quickly.

  • No, different types of steel are used depending on the waste to be shredded. Hardness values of steel are also applied according to the waste.

  • Thanks to the fixed blades in the shredder, waste does not get stuck in the rotor.

  • Feeding can be done manually, by conveyor, auger or scoop.

  • Different sizes of sieves can be used, but this directly affects the capacity.

  • In case of jamming, the rotor stops working and rotates in the opposite direction thanks to the automation system. The light and audible warning system on the panel is activated.

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